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Date: Mon, 15 Aug 94 04:30:22 PDT
From: Ham-Equip Mailing List and Newsgroup <ham-equip@ucsd.edu>
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Subject: Ham-Equip Digest V94 #282
To: Ham-Equip
Ham-Equip Digest Mon, 15 Aug 94 Volume 94 : Issue 282
Today's Topics:
AM airband problem on HT
Crystal Source
IC551D Question
Kenwood TR-751 all mode 2meter
kenwood ts430s and acc.
lists of lists - FYI
Yaesu NC-29 drop in battery charger
Send Replies or notes for publication to: <Ham-Equip@UCSD.Edu>
Send subscription requests to: <Ham-Equip-REQUEST@UCSD.Edu>
Problems you can't solve otherwise to brian@ucsd.edu.
Archives of past issues of the Ham-Equip Digest are available
(by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-equip".
We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official
policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
Date: Sun, 14 Aug 94 16:59:00 -0500
From: iat.holonet.net!wwswinc!art.harris@uunet.uu.net
Subject: AM airband problem on HT
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
I modified my Alinco DJ-F1T to receive the AM aircraft band, and it
sort of works. The problem is that the audio doesn't sound as clear as
I'm accustomed to hearing on my scanner. Also, the sensitivity seems to
be way down on AM. A friend who has a Kenwood HT has noticed the same
Does anyone know how they demodulate AM on an HT? Is there a true AM
detector or some short-cut method.
Any comments or ideas are welcome.
Art N2AH
Date: Sun, 14 Aug 1994 00:03:43 -0700
From: lll-winken.llnl.gov!overload.lbl.gov!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!cs.utexas.edu!geraldo.cc.utexas.edu!slip-5-1.ots.utexas.edu!user@ames.arpa
Subject: Crystal Source
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
I recently purchased an old Regency 2 Meter mobile rig at a swap meet, It
has six channels, and it requires one transmit and one recieve crystal per
Fortunately I have some of the crystals, But I need to get four more, does
anyone know of a good source for HAM crystals ?
Steven Truitt - Lighting Designer - - ARRL Member
struitt@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu - Grip/Electrician - - CALL:KC5APU
Austin Texas - I.A.T.S.E.# 205/484 - - 2 Mtr/70 cm
J.A.G.F.W.T. Just Another Guy From West Texas
Date: Fri, 12 Aug 1994 21:47:26 GMT
From: spstimes.sps.mot.com!mogate!newsgate!news@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Help! BALLENTINE 1042A!
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
Hi Folks,
I am in need of a Manual for a oscilloscope that used to be sold by BALLENTINE
(based in New Jersy) but not manufactured by them.
The model number is 1042A(I assume it means 10MHz); It is a 2-channel scope.
A friend of mine hinted to me that some BNK Precision scopes are similar to the
one I have and maybe an old issue of Popular Electronics might have published some
info about the Ballentine scopes.
I appreciate any information on how to get a copy(hopefully inexpensive!).
PS. This is my first posting to a news group; If this message offended some hamsters
for posting it here, I appologize for that.
I would appreciate any hints on where to properly post such messages next time.
Date: Sat, 13 Aug 1994 16:47:20
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!sdd.hp.com!saimiri.primate.wisc.edu!news.doit.wisc.edu!F181-151.net.wisc.edu!jbdaniel@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: IC 2GXAT Mods
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
In article <1994Aug13.142618.5062@rivers> jw14@uwrf.edu (JASON WINGET) writes:
>Subject: IC 2GXAT Mods
>From: jw14@uwrf.edu (JASON WINGET)
>Date: 13 Aug 94 14:26:17 CDT
>Are there mods available to alter the 2GXAT to transmit on commerical freqs?
>Is this legal? I work for a radio station that has a couple of freqs
>assigned to it, can I use this radio to transmit there legally under that
>call sign?
You can do whatever you want to the radio, but it would be illegal to x-mit
out of band (even on a freq which you're commercially liscenced for) because
amateur radio equ. is not type accepted by the fcc.
Joshua Daniels
Amateur Radio N2JLL
Date: 11 Aug 1994 23:56:27 GMT
From: sony!sonysjc!sfd217!jeff@decwrl.dec.com
Subject: IC551D Question
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
I have an Icom 551D that has a birdie at about 50.116. Is this normal?
It only seems to put out 50 watts. Is this also normal?
I`m about to tear into it so comments are welcome.
Jeff WU2A/6
reply to: jeff@sec.sel.sony.com
phone: (408) 955-4116
Date: 14 Aug 1994 11:23:06 -0400
From: newstf01.cr1.aol.com!search01.news.aol.com!not-for-mail@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Kenwood TR-751 all mode 2meter
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
Radio and Manual very nice condition---$450 incl.ups conus.
e-mail to: NI4K@AOL.COM
Date: 14 Aug 1994 11:19:06 -0400
From: newstf01.cr1.aol.com!search01.news.aol.com!not-for-mail@uunet.uu.net
Subject: kenwood ts430s and acc.
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
Kenwood TS430S general cov. receive and xmt. nice---$575
Fm-430 fm board----$60
YK-88c cw filter------$60
YK-88A am filter-----$60
MC-42S mike---------$35
prices include ups in conus.
E-Mail to : NI4K @ aol.com
Date: 14 Aug 94 18:39:01 GMT
From: news-mail-gateway@ucsd.edu
Subject: lists of lists - FYI
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
Subject: Re: lists of lists
Frxom: Gene Spafford <spaf@cs.purdue.edu>
Status: RO
This is a form-letter reply from Spaf.
Last update, May 14, 1993.
I have received your inquiry concerning Usenet or newsgroups.
However, I am no longer involved with maintaining the periodic
postings or databases of this information, having "retired" from that
in April of 1993, after 11 years of that task; you must have missed my
postings about this.
In any event, the tasks have been picked up by others. If you are
writing about:
* lists of mailing lists, changes to exisiting mailing lists
(except the moderators' mailing list), or about how to
join or start existing lists, contact:
arielle@taronga.com (Stephanie da Silva)
* lists of newsgroups, lists of moderators, lists of distributions,
checkgroups messages, list of alternative hierarchies, or
changes to any of these, contact:
tale@uunet.uu.net (David Lawrence)
Also contact David if you have any questions on creating a new
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netiquette, rules, frequently asked questions (FAQs),
or other information not covered in the above points
netannounce@deshaw.com (Mark Moraes)
Many questions can be answered by consulting the most recent postings
in the news.announce.newusers and news.lists groups. If those
postings have expired from your site, or you do not get news, you can
get archived postings from the ftp server on rtfm.mit.edu
These archived postings include all the Frequently Asked Questions
posted to the news.answers newsgroups, as well as the most recent
lists of Usenet newsgroups, Usenet-accessible mailing lists, group
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Send a message containing "help" to get general information about
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titles to use in further send commands.
Robert Wood
w5robert@blkbox.com (blkbox is NOT blackbox, inc.!)
Date: Sat, 13 Aug 94 22:42:00 -0500
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!dog.ee.lbl.gov!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!sundog.tiac.net!news.sprintlink.net!news.infi.net!exchange!john.tant@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: MARS/CAP
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
>Message-ID: <1994Aug9.113014.29715@ultb.isc.rit.edu>
>Newsgroup: rec.radio.amateur.equipment
>Organization: Rochester Institute of Technology
>What does MARS/CAP mean? I know that it refers to some frequencies
>which one would not normaly listen to, as I see MARS/CAP modifications.
MARS - Military Affiliate Radio Stations
CAP - Civil Air Patrol
Both of these services use frequencies adjacent to regular ham bands,
but require special licenses to participate in their activites.
John, N4XAN, NNN0HSP (Navy MARS)
* WR # 365 * "Imagination is more important than knowledge." Einstein
Date: Sun, 14 Aug 94 09:45:07
From: elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!convex!news.duke.edu!concert!mms!kn4aq.gary@ames.arpa
Subject: WORKING ON TM-733 MOD
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
Ne> There are two wires (W1, W2) installed on the CPU board that
Ne> apparently bypass resistors, tying the lines hi via 10k ohms (CP402
Ne> Rpack) instead of low via 100k resistors (CP403 Rpack). There are
Ne> also three zero-ohm resistors that do something similar.
Ne> The other four: W1/R410, W2/R411, R412, and R414 are the selectors
Ne> that pull on the DTMF data lines. If we ignore the M4 and E models
Ne> (which have more unique components), the K and M2/3 models have only
Ne> these differences:
Ne> W1,2 R414
Ne> K,P Yes Yes
Ne> M2/3 No No
Ne> I'd bet one of those accounts for the different Tx range limits on the
Ne> CPU. Maybe the other allows for 800 MHz frequency tuning.
Ne> So, is anyone else working towards mods for this radio, however
Ne> useless?
I got a "Kenwood Supplementary Info" sheet from the dealer with my
733. It describes removing a chip resistor "B0," also identified as
R414, followed by resetting the CPU by holding the MR key and turning
on power, then pressing MR again.
It says that will open transmit from 136-173.995 MHz and 410-469.974
MHz, and receive from 118-173.995 MHz and 300-469-975 MHz. (I've seen
net bulletins that say it's not really receiving 300 MHz even if the
display is reading 300 MHz).
The sheet also shows "B1" (R-412), and two jumpers, B2 and B3 which
jumper solder pads right next to R-412 and R-414. The instructions
don't make any mention of doing anything with those parts.
Thanks to Steve for his early hacking, and especially writing about
the 733.
73, Gary KN4AQ, Raleigh NC
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
Date: 14 Aug 1994 11:21:04 -0400
From: newstf01.cr1.aol.com!search01.news.aol.com!not-for-mail@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Yaesu NC-29 drop in battery charger
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
Like new in the box with documentation.----$55
e-mail to: NI4K@aol.com
Date: 11 Aug 1994 07:04:03 -0500
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!gatech!wa4mei!news.stingray.net!news.stingray.net!news@network.ucsd.edu
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
References <1994Aug9.113014.29715@ultb.isc.rit.edu>, <32812t$104@hp-col.col.hp.com>, <32ck1g$6ht@kelly.teleport.com>ray.net
Subject : Re: MARS/CAP
tigger@teleport.com wrote:
: I don't know about MARS, but Civil Air Patrol opperates on 148.15, with
: an offset of -4.25 for voice repeaters. They also have 149.925 for
: packet and one 10m freq I can't remember right now.
Here in Mo we have 149.895 for packet, and I believe from the last Wing
Conference that most other states do too.
Internet: cummings@stingray.net
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 1994 22:24:02 GMT
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!usc!howland.reston.ans.net!gatech!nntp.msstate.edu!emory!kd4nc!n4tii@network.ucsd.edu
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
References <32812t$104@hp-col.col.hp.com>, <32ck1g$6ht@kelly.teleport.com>, <32dd6v$f2p@apakabar.cc.columbia.edu>╞
Subject : Re: MARS/CAP
jbaltz@namaste.cc.columbia.edu (Jerry B Altzman) writes:
>In article <32ck1g$6ht@kelly.teleport.com>, <tigger@teleport.com> wrote:
>>I don't know about MARS, but Civil Air Patrol opperates on 148.15, with
>>an offset of -4.25 for voice repeaters. They also have 149.925 for
>>packet and one 10m freq I can't remember right now.
>10m? You sure? 11m might be more like it--just south of the CB bands (26.620
>As far as I remember, that band was eschewed as soon as folks could get on
>They're also using 148.975 I think.
>jerry b. altzman Entropy just isn't what it used to be +1 212 650 5617
>jbaltz@columbia.edu jbaltz@sci.ccny.cuny.edu KE3ML (HEPNET) NEVIS::jbaltz
For crying out loud ....
Since I am Civil Air Patrol, I will tell you.
On VHF-FM: 148.15 and 148.125 are repeater outputs. 148.1375 is designated
the ground to ground TAC channel. 149.5375 is the Air to Ground TAC channel.
The repeater freqs are in the 143 range, but you really don't need them ...
CAP has enough trouble with our own members kerchunking machines, let along a
bunch of hams with it programmed in. 149.895 is the CAP packet freq with
149.925 being used only on stations within 50mi of the Canadian Border.
The 11m channels is 26.620 . CAP also has two more freq assignments in the
143 range for control link purposes.
There are a whole slew of HF freqs in CAP, 2 in the 2 mhz area, and most of
your region's primary freqs are in the 44xx, 45xx, and lower 46xx bands.
The national emergency channel is 4585 USB. Also check out 7635 and 14902
mhz usb. There are assignments in teh 11mhz and 20mhz band, but they are for
long haul CLOVER links.
Hope that can help you ...
John Reed - Gainesville, GA | Internet: n4tii%kd4nc.uucp@gatech.edu
N4TII - AFA2FH - Redstar 204 | Packet : n4tii@n4hdw.ga.usa.noam
"That which can make you can also break you." - Mr. Rhythm's Good Advice
Date: Sun, 14 Aug 1994 08:45:44 -0500
From: europa.eng.gtefsd.com!NewsWatcher!user@uunet.uu.net
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
References <Ctwu7p.Lz1@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU>, <Cu6x4J.Iuz@srgenprp.sr.hp.com>, <CuEA5G.3zs@alsys.com>
Subject : Re: Yaseu FT470 like/dislike comments?
In article <CuEA5G.3zs@alsys.com>, garym@alsys.com (Gary Morris @ignite)
> In <Cu6x4J.Iuz@srgenprp.sr.hp.com> frankb@moto.sr.hp.com (Frank Ball) writes:
> >Nit piks: When both bands are on and the PL decode is ont it has some problems,
> >if I am listening to VHF with a PL decode on for VHF and UHF turned on
> >as the secondary (listen only) channel then the sound on the VHF
> >channel will have short momentary dropouts every few seconds.
> I've noticed that also. It's very annoying. I always end up turning off
> the secondary band when listening.
> Other minor nits:
> CTCSS decode only works on the primary band, the secondary band has no
> CTCSS decoder even if the channel is programmed for CTCSS decode.
> Also, the "balance" control to vary the volume between UHF and VHF is
> useless. If you turn it far enough to make the difference in volume
> noticeable then one of them is too loud and the other too low to hear. I
> eventually figured out it's best to leave it in the middle and never move
> it.
> But those are still minor complaints, I like the radio a lot.
> --GaryM
> I would also like to add that I love my FT-470, but the problem I have with it
> is the lighting. Especially at night driving the light must be pushed in and
> does not have a way of keeping it on all the time.And I agree with the other
> problems.
Keith J Leite AA1JF
AMPR - aa1jf@switch.sema.ampr.org
Internet - kleite@gtec3.ndhm.gtegsc.com
End of Ham-Equip Digest V94 #282